To protect your personal data, we recommend that you enable two factor authentication (2FA), as an extra layer of security on your account.
To do so, you first need to login to to your account, by supplying your email address and password.
Once you have logged in, you can click on the 'My profile' dropdown menu, in the top navbar and select 'Setup two factor authentication (2FA)'.
At this point, you will need to open your preferred authenticator app and add a new record, by scanning the QR code, which is appearing in your browser.
Having done so, you should enter the verification code, which has been generated by your authenticator app and click the 'Enable two factor authentication' button.
NB: Our 2FA implementation has been tried and tested using the popular Google Authenticator app, although it should be possible to user other broadly-adopted authenticator apps.
Having completed these steps, you will be taken to a page where you can manage your 2FA setup. Please take the time to read through this information carefully and be sure to save a copy of your backup codes, as you will need these to access your account, in the event that you lose access to your authenticator app.
You can manage your 2FA setup, at any time, by clicking on the 'My profile' dropdown in the top navbar and clicking 'Manage two factor authentication (2FA)'.
Once 2FA is enabled, whenever you login to your Empowered Wealth account, you will need to supply a verification code, which is supplied by your authenticator app.
If you lose access to your authenticator app, you can use one of your backup codes, in place of a verification code. Please note that each backup code can only be used once and whenever you generate a new set of backup codes, the previous set will be invalidated.