Click here to login to the Empowered Wealth platform.
From the main dashboard, you can scroll down to see all the categories, into which the various investment opportunities have been placed.
Alternatively, you can click on the 'Investment opportunities' link in the top navbar.
Once you have self-certified as a high net worth or sophisticated investor, you will be able to click on any one of these categories and see a list of investment opportunities, which sit within it.
For example, here is a list of investment opportunities within the 'Peer-to-peer lending' category.
If you see investment opportunities, which are listed as 'Coming soon', it means that we are working with the relevant investment counterparty, in the background, so that we can bring this opportunity online. Thank you for your patience, whilst we work through this process.
For those investment opportunities, which are already live and listed, you will see the option to 'Review and invest'. You can click this button to see more information about the opportunity.
For example, here is more information about the P1 Capital opportunity.
Towards the top of this page, you will see headline information about the investment opportunity, including a link to the counterparty's website, if applicable.
You will also see information about the HMRC compliance risk rating, which has been given to this opportunity. For more information about this, please read this article.
You will also see a link to the due diligence discussion for this opportunity, which you have the option to review and engage with. For more information about this, please read this article.
You will also be able to see the amount, which you have already pledged to the opportunity.
By clicking on the amount, you will be able to see a list of all the previous pledges you have made, along with relevant supporting information, such as when you made the pledge and how much it was for.
Back on the main investment opportunity page, you will also be able to see additional supporting information.
The supporting information typically takes the form of documents and links, which you can click on, to learn more about the investment opportunity in question.
If and when, you decide that you would like to pledge funds to an investment opportunity, you can do so by clicking on the 'Pledge funds' button and selecting the portfolio from which you want to make the pledge.
After doing so, you will see a pop-up, which displays relevant disclaimers that you should read carefully, along with a form, which you must complete, in order to finalise your pledge.
After making your pledge, email notifications will be automatically sent to the administration team at Empowered and also to the relevant investment counterparty.
You can expect to receive communication from the Empowered administration team and / or the investment counterparty, with further instructions on how to progress and finalise your pledge.