Hello and welcome to the new Empowered Wealth platform, which at the time of writing, is exclusively available to existing clients of Empowered Pensions.
The platform has been designed, to help you holistically manage and grow your wealth, in a convenient and efficient manner.
This article will walk you through the key elements of the platform and help you to get up and running, nice and fast.
Joining the platform
In order to join the platform, you will need to be invited.
You will receive an email, which contains instructions on how you can set a password and gain access to your account.
If you are yet to have received an invitation or you're having difficulty in joining the platform, please send an email to [email protected] and a member of our team will be happy to support you.
If you're interested to learn more about using two factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of security to your account, you can read this article.
Your personal and corporate portfolios
Over time, the Empowered Wealth platform will evolve into an increasingly sophisticated and holistic wealth management tool, which will allow you to manage and grow all aspects of your wealth, in a highly tax-efficient manner.
With respect your personal and corporate portfolios, you can add relevant information about your assets, liabilities, income and expenses, so you can track everything in one place. For the time being, this is a manual and static process, but in time, it will become more dynamic, as we look at introducing things like live bank feeds and investment valuations.
Within the assets section, you will notice that you can organise your holdings by asset class and by doing so, start to gain insights, with respect to diversification.
Over the coming months, more and more functionality will be layered in, to help you manage the wealth of your entire estate, in a highly tax-efficient manner.
We will share relevant updates with you, once they are available.
Your pension portfolio
As an existing customer of Empowered Pensions, we already hold a lot of information about your SSAS. Whenever you login to the Empowered Wealth platform, you will be able to review this information.
You can do so my clicking on the Pension portfolio link in the top navbar and drilling into your specific pension.
Once you're within a specific pension, you can click on any box, to drill down further and review more information.
Whenever you want to make a change to your pension or to start a new process, such as making a new investment, you can do so by clicking on the Submit and track pension requests button, in the top left hand corner of the page.
This will take you to do a dedicated page, from which you can track the progress of your outstanding requests and submit new ones. If you're interested to learn more about how this process works, you can read this article.
Reviewing investment opportunities
When it comes to deciding how you would like to invest your funds, in addition to your own research, you can also review the investment opportunities that we have curated and made available to you, on the platform.
Before you can review these opportunities, you will need to self-certify as being either a high net worth or sophisticated investor. This can be done via the platform and we've made this process as simple as possible for you.
Once you have completed the self-certification process, you will be able to drill into each of the investment categories and review the investment opportunities, which sit within them.
We're working hard to bring more investment counterparties and opportunities onto the platform.
If you can't yet find what you're looking for, you can navigate to your pension and submit a dedicated request for the investment, which you're wishing to make.
For each investment opportunity that appears on the platform, you will be able to review all the documentation, which the investment counterparty has supplied, along with an indication of whether this investment opportunity is suitable from an HMRC compliance perspective. If you're interested to learn more about our HMRC compliance risk ratings, you can read this article.
Additionally, for each investment opportunity, you can review and contribute to an open discussion about the investment opportunity, with other members of our community, who are using the Empowered Platform. The investment counterparty who has published the investment opportunity will also be able to participate in the discussion. For compliance reasons and in the interests of remaining independent, the team at Empowered Wealth shall not be engaging in the discussion. If you're interested to learn more about our stance on due diligence, you can read this article.
Pledging funds to an investment opportunity
If, after carefully reviewing an investment opportunity, you decide that you would like to pledge funds to it, you can do so very easily.
You will need to specify the amount you would like to pledge, along with information on where the money will be coming from e.g. your personal, corporate or pension portfolio.
Likewise, you will also need to carefully review the risk warnings and disclaimers, as well as explicitly confirming that you have done so.
After submitting your pledge, you will receive emails to notify you of relevant updates and any further action, which is required from you.
By clicking on the Amount pledged by me link, you will also be able to see a list of your historical pledges and track the progress of each one.
Further information about this process, can be found in this article.
Need support?
If you need any support, when it comes to using the Empowered Wealth platform, you can click on the question mark icon, which appears in both the top right hand corner of every page on the platform.
From here, you will be able to read our various how-to guides and also submit dedicated support requests, which you will be able to track the progress of.